Please note that, much like "ABC's Dancing with the Stars," although the hoopty-loving public was allowed to vote, final difficult decisions had to be made by our internal group of judges since certain qualifications had to be met to win (and in some cases ignored).
PHOTOs (left to right) Winners: Greatest Hoopty Story - Cathy, Biggest Hoopty - Damien, and last but not least, smallest Hoopty - Eva - all Winners proudly show off their "I love my Hoopty" bumper-sticker and CPCU Emergency Car Care Kit!
Photo Contest
Biggest Hoopty - Damien
Smallest Hoopty - Eva
Times Two Winner!!! Ugliest Color Hoopty AND Best Use of Duct Tape on a Hoopty! - Berry*
and the Best Hoopty Story:
This was a close one! The Over-all Crowd-pleaser (ie she got the most votes):
Cathy - the mental image of her driving her Hooopty in reverse down a California Freeway was just toooo much for our voters and our judges!
and Honorable Mentions:
Chocolate for the ever-lasting visual of fellow commuters wanting to drag-race "Gertie" in which she had her mom and 18-month old baby in tow (please do NOT share sad-tale with Britney Spears) and
Shaylin for her awesome addition of the hoopty-truck to our ever-loving hoopty-family!
Anonymous for her "Aluminum Foil to cover the AC Vents in the winter so she would not freeze."
Jerry for the "green rear door courtesy of parking too close to a tree, or was it a forest?"
and Hooptylicious' own story -Hooptylicous was disqualified from the prize but not the laughter - of "I dated a rock-star"
We are proud of all of YOU - hold your head up high and your hoopty together with the duct-tape (handily included in the winner's CPCU Emergency Car Care Kit!)